Avv. Valentina Trovato

T. +39 06 69 924 470
F. +39 06 454 233 154
Email: valentina.trovato@studiolegalecannata.it

Role: Senior Counsel.
Office: Rome.
Languages: Italian, English

Valentina Trovato is a lawyer specializing in the fields of company law, business contracts and compliance, intellectual property right and competition law.

Valentina provides advice in judicial and out-of-court matters, representing in the above fields of law some large national and multinational companies in their business relationships and in complex litigations.

She has been a lawyer since 2009 and before joining in 2012 the Cannata Law Firm  she collaborated with a leading international law and tax consulting firm, at the Milan office. She followed by further studies in intellectual property right and competition at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome in 2010 and  held internship at an internship at a primary studio specializing in these subjects.